
Pensions – Preparing For Retirement
This aspect of our service is currently being referred to another specialist adviser.
One of the biggest goals in life is a happy, comfortable retirement. At whatever age you plan to stop working, you will want to ensure you have enough money to go with your new-found freedom. Perhaps your aim is to have paid off your mortgage, go travelling, or buy a cottage by the sea. It’s worth knowing that even the small financial decisions you make between now and then could affect your ability to retire when and how you want. A regularly reviewed financial plan, starting now, will keep you on track to achieve whatever aims you set yourself.
Pension Planning – before retirement
Have you made any plans?
From 2012 employers need to offer you a pension scheme.
Pension Planning – consolidation of existing / stale pensions
You may well have pensions that you accumulated previously in different jobs in the past.
Do you know how they are doing?
- Are the investments still suitable for your needs?
- Did you know you are entitled to move all your pensions into a new scheme?
Pension Planning – in Retirement
Did you know that you do not have to accept the pension offered by your existing scheme? You may do better by:-
- Deferring your pension
- Using the freedoms launched in April 2016 to the advantage for you and your family.
- Not taking an annuity
- Checking the for the most competitive annuity for your circumstances
The value of pensions call fall as well as rise
You may get back less than you invested
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change

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